SAFF donates footballs in Cox’s Bazar

প্রকাশ: ফেব্রুয়ারি ৫, ২০২৪ ১০:৫৮ pm , আপডেট: ফেব্রুয়ারি ৫, ২০২৪ ১০:৫৮ pm

পড়া যাবে: [rt_reading_time] মিনিটে

Press Release :
The South Asian Football Federation (SAFF) donated footballs to Friendship to promote sports, health, and well-being among the youth in Cox’s Bazar, said a press release.
The handover ceremony took place at an event titled “Right to Play: Footballs for Cox’s Bazar Youth,” at the Friendship Club Centre in Rohingya Camp-19 in Cox’s Bazar on Sunday.

The goal of the initiative is to provide the children and youth in Cox’s Bazar, covering both the host community and the Rohingya camps housing Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMNs) in Ukhiya, with opportunities to engage in football.

The footballs donated by SAFF will play a crucial role in Friendship’s project activities supported by the KLABU organization, which aim to create a platform for children to participate in sports, promoting physical activity and fostering a sense of community.

By utilizing the donated footballs, the organization seeks to create a positive environment that not only promotes play but also addresses vital aspects such as nutrition, better health, and overall fitness and its impact on children residing in areas of crisis.

The project operates in both the host community and the Rohingya camps, bridging gaps and fostering unity through the universal language of sports.

SAFF’s donation underscores Friendship’s and KLABU’s dedication to using football as a catalyst for social development, fostering camaraderie among the youth, and promoting a healthier and more active lifestyle.

Regarding this Ahmed Toufiqur Rahman, Deputy Director said, “We extend our sincere appreciation to SAFF for their generous donation of footballs. We eagerly anticipate future partnerships with SAFF, confident that together, we can continue fostering positive and impactful experiences for the children and youth in Cox’s Bazar.

Barrister Tanjim Khan from SAFF said SAFF believes football is not just a game but a powerful tool to bring change in the lives of people of different societies. SAFF is delighted to support Friendship in this cause as they are working with a special group of children to enhance their health, wellbeing, and lifestyle.